Saturday, March 19, 2011


It's been on my mind quite a bit recently.

Due to circumstances and life happenings, I realize that I have taken a rain check from making any plans for life. :) That sounds a bit silly, doesn't it?
But it's actually true for me. Friend have heard me say "I stopped making plans awhile back".
I've just been kind of drifting along, amidst a busy schedule, grief, raising my beautiful children, etc.

I started reading this book recently, (a new blog post about that and the follow up book will be coming soon :) )
and it has given me a lot to think about.

I'm afraid that by not making any plans or having any new dreams, I've been allowing my time to be filled with aimless wanderings.
Don't get me wrong, there have been a lot of really great moments and life, although it's hard at times, is still really beautiful. :) I have a lot to be thankful for. :)

But I believe that life is meant to be nothing less than magic.

And that means that I should probably start deciding just exactly what it is that I want to see, accomplish, do for others and experience in this life.
Those are my thoughts on this Saturday night. :)
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought"


  1. Wow. Good thoughts. I've come to the same conclusion recently myself. Like this month. I've accomplished my earlier goal, to get married and to have a family. Now that I'm here, it's time for new goals, and it's taken me so many years to realize this. It is exciting to ask myself what it is I want to achieve. I'll look forward to finding out what it is for you, as well!

  2. Erika, I'm so glad to hear that! You will do great things. :)
    Personal growth has always been a big thing with me, but I am re-assesing a lot lately. Need to find a new path. ;)
    Here's to the journey!
